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About Changing Breed Standards – PART 1

Recently I read that “improving” a breed and “changing a Breed Standard” are still being promoted by breeders who have no knowledge what that entails or what it means. Such blatant ignorance has got to stop or no breed will be left to exist as it originally was.

The words “improving a breed” and “changing a Breed Standard” are the curse of the cat world. This is one of the keys why all other cat associations have destroyed, diminished and damaged every breed they have touched. The Siamese, the Persian, the Burmese, the Turkish Angora, and on and on are classic examples of what havoc has been wrought on helpless breeds of cats all over the world.

First of all none of the breeds need “improving” because no human could ever “improve” on what the good Lord has made. All must be left bodily, mentally and physically as they were in their beginnings.

The definition of these evil words in the eyes of all other cat associations and their ignorant breeders is to deform the body type, destroy the breeds immune system, lower their life expectancy length, cause them to be hyperactive, have organ deformities, cause them to die very young and leave behind grieving owners who spent a fortune to purchase them only to lose them at an early age. What an atrocity! What a twisted and diseased approach to breeding cats!

Let’s get down to the real brass tacks of breed improvement within the confines of a Breed Standard that does not change. Let’s say the Breed Standard states that the eye color is to be “Brilliant deep blue”., and your cats eyes don’t exactly have that feature. To reach the goal of the Breed Standard the best breeding decision is to breed your cats ever closer to that goal. Breeding is always an exciting challenge, always waiting to see what the next litter produces and accessing your breeding program’s progress with the results.

Part of this equation is what a Breed Standard is. A Breed Standard is a written description of the most perfect cat possible for that breed. Since perfection is impossible to reach, the challenge to the breeder is ever present.

Categories: Cats General
Diana Fineran:


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