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Where Creme Rises to the Top

Comments presented concerning a new book by Hiro Arikawa really caught my interest because they were so true.  The article by Stephanie Sacharek nails down the real truth about “CAT WOMEN” so well, because I have experienced it firsthand.

Here is what was presented.  “Whenever I’m reading a hard cover cat-related book in public – especially one featuring a cat who talks-I always remove the dust jacket.  Wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m one of THOSE ladies.  While the “cat lady” stereotype endures, the reality is that there are secret and sometimes not-so-secret leagues of men who are just as crazy about them.”

Having run The Traditional Cat Association, INC. for decades now, I certainly have had “those cat ladies” attack me for no reason.  It comes out of the blue and all of a sudden. The hate, evil and self-destructive barrage just pours out of them.  Most come from nasty chat rooms where weak minded women get sucked into the belligerant ways of those who dominate those places.  Nearly all of them don’t know me or have not had any interaction with me.  Recently I’ve had another onslaught from 2 of them.  All I can do is shake my head because nothing satisfies them.  Mental illness is rampant in the cat world and I have felt it firsthand.

After saying that, I must interject that the members of TCA, INC. are not of that spirit.  We are a breed of a different type with respect and kindness at our core.  Common sense reigns supreme here.  If there is a problem we solve it quickly and amicably so all can go onward as we work diligently to preserve the original, Old Style, Traditional and Classic Body type of each breed.  It is an honorable goal, which we take seriously.

Categories: Cats
Diana Fineran:


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