About Changing Breed Standards – PART 2
All of the breeders in all of the other cat association’s have never had the capability to grasp this basic rule of breeding. Their short cut is to change Breed Standards over and over again, until the original body type, mental state and health is devoured by their stupidity, an evil approach to breeding, and […]
About Changing Breed Standards – PART 1
Recently I read that “improving” a breed and “changing a Breed Standard” are still being promoted by breeders who have no knowledge what that entails or what it means. Such blatant ignorance has got to stop or no breed will be left to exist as it originally was. The words “improving a breed” and “changing […]
My Advice
Take the time in your life to walk away from all the drama and people who create it. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad people and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you in the right way. Pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short […]
Over Time (Pt 2)
I want to go on record as saying that Diana Fineran and I have been friends for 15 years. During that time I have seen her do numerous and really wonderful unselfish acts including starting at her own time and expense and organization and process for paying for neutering and spaying of animals for people […]
Over Time
Over time I have found nasty people on the internet attempting to lie about who created TCA, INC. The answer is me, Diana Fineran. I founded TCA, INC. back in March of 1987 and quietly developed a Breeders List, a Membership List, a Newsletter, The Constitution and Bylaws, Registry and Show Rules, Breed Names, Breed […]
It was in March of 1987 – (Pt 2)
A bit of research revealed to me that the Old Style, Original, Traditional and Classic types of each breed were near extinction due to ignorant persecution by all of the other cat associations world wide. “I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.” stated Peter O’Toole star of […]
It was in March of 1987…(Pt 1)
… that I founded TCA, INC., after I sent two letters to CATS Magazine and a few months later to Cat Fancy. Both were published with my name and address, so a series of cat lovers began contacting me asking if I could mail them a copy of the Breeders List I had started so […]
Degeneration of the Siamese – Part 3
Bad Breeding Practices The stupidity of continuing toward more and more long, thin bodies and elongated heads caused the loss of health. Eyes could no longer match the slant eye sockets and cats had third eyelids showing permanently. Under jaws could no longer match well with the head becoming longer and longer, causing over bites […]
Degeneration of the Siamese – Part 2
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? The Siamese was one of the earliest breeds to be recognized. A small percentage of the cats found in the Far East still show one or more of the present albinism factors in cats: (Burmese), (Siamese) or (Blue eyed white). Two of these phenotypes were picked up by westerners and came […]
Degeneration of the Siamese – Part 1
Inside the pages of my book (www.book.traditonalcats.com) is a detailed view of what all of the other cat associations are, how they operate and what they have done to every breed they touch. I held no punches and presented the facts as I found them. Most came directly from members of the other associations in […]
An Answer to Evil Ones
“Tell them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous givers, sharing with others.” “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson “Whether done solo or as part of a group, kindness, respect for others, and generous deeds are a […]
Living Life by Bonnie Mohr
Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be Honest. Work Hard. Be choosy. Say “Thank You”, “I love you”, and “Great Job” to someone each day. Go to Church and take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life […]